Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (ccts)

"Detailed Procedure for Compliance Mechanism under CCTS" document:

This document outlines a comprehensive framework for regulating and incentivizing GHG emission reductions in India through a structured carbon trading scheme.

1. Purpose and Framework:

o Facilitates India's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets.

o Establishes the Indian Carbon Market (ICM) and the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS) 2023.

o Aims to reduce, remove, or avoid greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by pricing emission reductions.

2. Compliance Mechanism:

o Obligated entities must comply with GHG emission intensity targets notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).

o Targets are set based on recommendations from the Ministry of Power and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). o Obligated entities must achieve annual GHG emission intensity targets for each compliance year within a defined trajectory period.

3. GHG Emission Intensity Trajectory and Targets:

o Targets developed by BEE in consultation with technical committees.

o Considerations include available technologies, implementation costs, energy efficiency potential, fuel switching, non-fossil fuel use, and decarbonization.

o Emission sources include direct energy use, direct process emissions, and indirect energy-related emissions.

4. Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification:

o Obligated entities must develop a monitoring plan outlining the gate-to-gate boundary, data control, and GHG emissions calculation methodology.

o GHG emissions calculated based on energy use and process emissions, converted to CO2 equivalent using specified formulas.

o Verification activities involve independent assessment of GHG emission reports and intensity.

5. Carbon Credit Certificates (CCC):

o Entities achieving lower than targeted GHG emission intensity receive CCCs.

o Entities failing to meet targets must surrender CCCs, either banked or purchased.

6. Governance:

o National Steering Committee for Indian Carbon Market (NSC-ICM) oversees governance and functioning.

o Comprises representatives from relevant government ministries, state governments, and industry experts.

7. Key Definitions:

o Includes terms like activity data, baseline year, biogenic source of energy, biomass, calculation factors, direct and indirect GHG emissions, emission factor, emission source, and more.


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